So I went to Dr. Sketchy's at the wind up space, for the first time. It was overall a good time. They did quick sexy poses, the best kind.....
This little baby above won the draw with your non-dominant hand contest, the first contest of the night.We were given 5 minutes, as we we're for the other non-contest poses I posted. The only downside was that winning the contest meant I won a shot....which I could not drink.....because I am only 18 (I don't drink anyway...so it was a lame prize for me)....so I got no prize.....
I gave my 24 year old roommate the shot instead.
...and then they had Brandon Ragnar Johnson's baby tatooville book for the next contest that I did'nt win.....forget the aforementioned joy..... emo bitterness is all I feel.....
Despite the burning anger of not having My name Ragnar Johnson's book, I will be going back to Dr. Sketchy's next week....